Traditional Emirati Food is the Identity and the Heart of the UAE!

Culinary Magic of the EmiratesIn order to understand this powerful and magnetic culture, I decided to write a cookbook that would appeal to everyone interested in this remarkable culinary experience. I hope that Emirati families and Emirati working men and women will look at this book as a celebration of these recipes and how they bring people together. I interviewed as many Emirati families as I could to witness how they preserve their passion for cooking out of joy and love. It was amazing to see how every Emirati family has its own recipe adaptation for the same dishes, something which is very important for those who want to learn how to cook these recipes.

CULINARY MAGIC OF THE EMIRATES’ is an inspired compilation of culinary recipes steeped in the rich cultural tradition of the Emirati population. It spans the expansive and mystic landscape of the United Arab Emirates and is the culmination of author Alexandra von Hahn’s interviews with over two dozen Emirati women and professional chefs.

The traditional Emirati food culture plays an important part in every Emirati’s upbringing. In fact, traditional Emirati food culture is powerfully reverential to those who understand the foundation and purpose behind the rituals. They are the ones who have decided to preserve this extraordinary culture for their families and generations to come.

Through the author’s wonderfully descriptive words and savory images experience this marvelous collection of delectable recipes of Emirati cuisine.

ALEXANDRA VON HAHNBaroness Alexandra von Hahn has lived in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates, since 2011 at which time she, her husband, a German Diplomat, and their two children relocated to this enchanting, cosmopolitan, and historic coastal center situated on the west coast of an island jutting out into the vast inland sea known as the Persian Gulf.

Daughter of Baltic-German and Hungarian aristocrats Baron Peter von Hahn-Lieven and Countess Marie Jeanne Sennyey-Széchenyi, she was born in Santiago, the capital city of Chile, centered in the ‘Santiago Basin’, broad and fertile lands surrounded by mountains, where she lived until the age of 11 after which she and her family moved and settled in Montreal, Canada.

Her creative and enterprising career has seen her work for the Royal Canadian Mint, establish the Canadian Cheesecake franchise in Berlin and become a Holistic Relationship Coach. Her role as a relationship coach and her interest in local Emirati cooking has inspired her to research and create this cookbook about how traditional Emirati families prepare their meals. They have invited the Baroness into their homes wherein she has observed their traditional cooking techniques, tasted their family recipes, and marveled at the extraordinary experience of their hospitality.

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Traditional Emirati Food is the Identity and the Heart of the UAE!